Individual contribution

PhileAt contributes to accelerating targeted development projects, without intermediaries,
aimed at farmers wishing to thrive economically and financially through
The 2nd objective is to ensure the food security of the communities and to generate
additional added value that is redistributed locally and hence creating a virtuous ecosystem.

"I hope we can eliminate the randomness of social mobility; everyone should have the chance to be who they want to be in life, with their background as a source of pride, not a disadvantage."

Dame Sharon, President of John Lewis

By postal or bank transfer

IBAN CHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


In favor of the association


Address of PhileAt

Your donation will be held in the dedicated bank account
of the PhileAT association.
When your donation becomes effective, the association
will give you a certificate to allow
the tax deductibility of your contribution.

Inspiring Success stories leveraging irrigation techniques and advanced water and fertilizers distribution systems as knowledge transfer.